
Family Legacies has a built-in Family Tree feature that provides genealogy information that will be appreciated by family and friends for years to come. You will be asked to fill out information about spouse's, marriage dates, parents, step-parents, siblings, children and great grandchildren.

Once you have completed this information, you have successfully completed a request form to place your Loved One in Family Legacies.

Finally, you will need to be sure and do these three things:

  1. Collect all of the photos and items you have chosen for the legacy and safely put them in an envelope. You also have the option of emailing your photos as attachments. If you already have a packet, and wish to email photos, please click to send them now.
  2. Call your Service Provider to make an appointment to have your Family Legacies request completed.
  3. Bring the envelope with all of your scrapbook pictures, and the Family Legacies Request form you just completed to your appointment.

If you have questions be sure to call Family Service Administrator, Karen Becvar at 396-2539.

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